Technical indicators
Technical indicators are mathematical calculations based on the price, volume or open interest of a trading instrument.
These indicators are used alone or combined with other technical tools to identify more reliable entry points for a trade.
Supertrend is one of the most favorite trend indicators because of its simplicity. It is perfectly working in trending markets and can easily identify and give you buy or sell signals.
A buy signal is generated when the Supertrend closes above the price and a sell signal is generated when it closes below the closing price.
Supertrend indicator is so powerful because it is not only tracking momentum on the market but also uses ATR (Average True Range), which means that it takes volatility into consideration.
For higher sensitivity we use 3 Supertrends at the same time and we consider trend confirmation only if all 3 Supertrends turn the same color:
All 3 Supertrends are GREEN = Bullish confirmation
All 3 Supertrends are RED = Bearish confirmation
Bullish Supertrend
ZEUS will send you an alert describing market conditions.
The real example of Telegram message:
5m #LTC/USDT Bullish Supertrend
On the picture you can see how our Members received the alert to their private Telegram chat with ZEUS Bot showing reaction of the LTC after Bullish Supertrend occurred.
OUR TIP: before you enter the trade and to avoid false signals always check other indicators which confirm bullish market conditions or use our Supertrend Setup.
Bearish Supertrend
ZEUS will send you an alert describing market conditions.
The real example of Telegram message:
5m #LTC/USDT Bearish Supertrend
On the picture you can see how our Members received the alert to their private Telegram chat with ZEUS Bot showing reaction of the LTC after Bearish Supertrend occurred.
OUR TIP: before you enter the trade and to avoid false signals always check other indicators which confirm bearish market conditions or use our Supertrend Setup.
Bollinger Bands
Bollinger Bands is technical indicator developed by famous trader John Bollinger. This indicator is design to reveal overbought and oversold territory.
It is displayed as two trendlines (upper line and lower line) defined as a standard deviation plotted away from a Simple Moving Average (SMA) of assets price.
Important to know that 90-95% of the time the market moves between the upper and lower band or let’s say it is ranging in the channel between the bands. Those 5-10% give us great trading opportunities.
The upper and lower bands are typically 2 standard deviations +/- from a 20-day Simple Moving Average SMA (which is the center line), but they can be modified.
Bullish Bollinger Band
ZEUS will send you an alert describing market conditions.
The real example of Telegram message:
15m #KSM/USDT Bullish Bollinger Band
On the picture you can see how our Members received two alerts to their private Telegram chat with ZEUS Bot showing reaction of the KSM after candle closed below lower Bollinger Band.
For our Standard Signals ZEUS uses 25 days SMA.
OUR TIP: before you enter the trade and to avoid false signals always check other indicators which confirm bullish market conditions or use our Bollinger Setup.
Bearish Bollinger Band
ZEUS will send you an alert describing market conditions.
The real example of Telegram message:
15m #BAT/USDT Bearish Bollinger Band
On the picture you can see how our Members received the alert to their private Telegram chat with ZEUS Bot showing reaction of the BAT after candle closed above upper Bollinger Band.
For our Standard Signals ZEUS uses 25 days SMA.
OUR TIP: before you enter the trade and to avoid false signals always check other indicators which confirm bearish market conditions or use our Bollinger Setup.
Bollinger Bands (BB) Squeeze
ZEUS will send you an alert describing market conditions.
The real example of Telegram message:
15m #ADA/USDT BB Squeeze
On the picture you can see how our Members received the alert to their private Telegram chat with ZEUS Bot showing reaction of the ADA after BB Squeeze Signal flashed.
OUR TIP: BB Squeeze is very powerful signal indicating really tense situation on the market “calm before the storm” meaning that after this signal flashes there is usually big move on the market.