Technical Indicators
Technical indicators Technical indicators are mathematical calculations based on the price, volume or open interest of a trading instrument. These indicators are used alone or combined with other technical tools to identify more reliable entry points for a trade. Supertrend Supertrend is one of the most favorite trend indicators because of its simplicity. It is […]
Oscillators Oscillators are trend recognizing analytical tool that constructs high and low bands between two extreme values. It builds a trend indicator that fluctuates within these bounds. Traders use trend indicators to discover markets short-term overbought or oversold conditions. It can be interpreted as overbought when the value of the oscillator approaches the upper extreme values […]
Trend Identification
TREND IDENTIFICATION “Trend is your friend, never trade against the trend!”. The old saying which every trader (day or intraday) should know and follow. This of course doesn´t mean that there is no way to make money to do the opposite, but it is much easier follow the mood on the market. It is also […]
Candlestick Patterns
Candlestick Patterns Successful trading starts with ability to read candlestick patterns which consist of bullish and bearish candles. Each candle on the chart tells its own story and represents battle between buyers and sellers in particular timeframe. Candlesticks build patterns that may predict price direction once completed. Every candle, doesn´t matter if it is bullish or […]
Supertrend Setup
Supertrend Setup Supertrend Setup is very powerful indicator working perfectly in trending markets. It easily identifies trend and gives you buy or sell signals. For bigger sensitivity we use 3 Supertrends at the same time and we consider trend confirmation only if all 3 Supertrends turn the same color. All 3 Supertrends are GREEN = Bullish confirmation All […]
MACD Setup
MACD Setup MACD Setup trading indicator reveals changes in momentum, direction and strength of a trend. It works the best in trending market. MACD indicators is composed of 3 series which are: MACD line – is calculated as a difference between 12-period and 26-period EMAs of the price. It is displayed as a blue line. […]
Bollinger Setup
Bollinger Setup Bollinger Setup indicator is design to reveal strong trade entries in overbought and oversold territory. We set the upper and lower Bollinger Bands as 2 standard deviations +/- from a 25-day Simple Moving Average (which is the center line). Important to know that 90-95% of the time the market moves between the upper and lower […]
Candlestick Setup
Bullish Candlestick setup Successful trading starts with ability to read candlestick patterns which consist of bullish and bearish candles. Candlesticks build patterns that may predict price direction once completed. Bullish Candlestick Setup is perfect combination for identifying bullish candlestick patterns in chart and overexposed market conditions confirmed by other technical indicators and oscillators. For even higher accuracy […]